Aqua comes off strong and mature, similar to in the game. shilly-shally regarding his feelings and thoughts about darkness, moreso than in the game, whereas Ventus comes off more childlike than in the game. We do get to follow the train of thought from the main-characters which is nice, but Terra comes off very. They do not offer much new information and they are almost written in a "he did this, then he did that, then she did this, then that" sort of way, following the plot of the game. The first two are mainly about the world-by-world journeys the characters take. (view spoiler) [This book is a compilation of three volumes. Another writing-issue is the unexplained meta-knowledge some characters seemingly possess. Even I who have played the game was thrown off a couple of times, unsure of what was happening. If you haven't played the game, you will have to rely on your imagination A LOT. For example, the writer does not explain what regular Unversed look like. The recurring awkward phrases along with other writing-issues make this novel feel like a fanslation. We also get awkward phrases such as “ After Ven had left the Dwarf’s Woodlands, but before he set down in the Enchanted Dominion, he was traveling trough the Lanes Between on top of his Keyblade Gilder”. For example, Terra could be thinking about something that happened in a previous world- which we have yet to read about because his timeline doesn't match the world-by-world order the book goes by. This novel threw that structure out the window and decided to describe all three characters' journeys simultaneously in a world-by-world order. In the game, you follow one character at a time to avoid confusion regarding the timeline of each character's journey to different worlds.
Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep follows the journeys of our three main-characters. (Hopefully, this review won't make me seem Heartless). This book, however, is a bad novelization of it and I feel that, as a devoted Kingdom Hearts-fan, I should try to explain why I think that and why this novel was given low rating. I LOVE Kingdom Hearts and I think Birth By Sleep is a GREAT game. In the game, you follow one character at a time to avoid confusion regarding the timeline of each c 2/5 stars Structure: Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep follows the journeys of our three main-characters. You’ll find Cheat.Db.2/5 stars I LOVE Kingdom Hearts and I think Birth By Sleep is a GREAT game. You’ll find inside the CWCheats forlder, open it.
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