Heroic BSoD/ My God, What Have I Done?: Killing President Ackerman in this timeline caused this reaction for him, as " -he had to destroy one symbol of freedom to preserve another".Even after Warren had an emotional breakdown over how he had to kill the President, and was put on leave by the Allies to recuperate, the Confederates don't dare go near him out of fear of his fighting ability. Four-Star Badass: Not just as a commander: when Warren Fuller was captured by the Soviet Army when they managed to overrun his base, he breaks himself out before returning to the Allied front, using his wrestling training to kill Soviet patrols completely unarmed, and stopped President Ackerman from escaping by shooting his limo and CIA bodyguards up with a machinegun before shooting Ackerman in the head.Eagleland: Was born in Seatle, Washington.Five Star Badass: Served as the Non-Entity General in the Red Alert 3 timeline, and as such racked up an impressive amount of victories against both the Soviet Union and the Empire of the Rising Sun, from the Battle of Brighton to the Battle of Tokyo and Second Battle of Leningrad.Non-Entity General: In the original game.However, this later gets Double Subverted when Alex Manning teams up with Cima Len Davidova (who was the Non-Entity General in the SOVIET'S Red Alert 3 campaign) to help her depose of Premier Cherdenko during the Second Battle of Leningrad. Enemy Mine: At first Subverted: Unlike in Red Alert 3, the Red Alert 3 Paradox timeline has Cherdenko refuse to ally with the, well, Allies against the Empire of the Rising Sun, meaning the missions where the Non-Entity General for the Allies teams up with Soviet Commanders against Imperial forces never happen in this game.Easy Logistics: Is an expert at providing it, and wins wars with superior supply chains.

Canada, Eh?: Was born in Bentley, Alberta, Canada.